Huntley Yuletide Memories

Yuletide Memories A charming poem written by a Huntley resident some 80 years ago gives a glimpse of Christmas past in our community. Marion Lawson Voss (1896-1976) wrote the poem “Yuletide Memories” in the 1940s. Voss grew up in Huntley and recalled the thrill of Otto Schmalz’s General Store at Christmastime when she was a … Read more

Deicke Park: Who Was Edwin Deicke?

Are you enjoying Deicke Park this summer?    If so, you can thank Edwin Deicke, a philanthropist who donated the 28-acre wooded parcel to the Huntley Park District and the people of Huntley. Edwin Deicke (1896-1984) was a successful Wheaton businessman and, at one time, mayor of Lombard, IL. He made his money selling insurance, … Read more

Huntley High School Graduates Class of 1913

Four students made up the entire Huntley High School graduating class in 1913. Their school was an imposing brick building on Main Street next to the First Congregational Church. The school, built in 1875, housed all grades from first through high school. Today, the site is part of the church parking lot.  Those who graduated … Read more

Farm Services Memorabilia on Display at the Huntley Area Public Library

Farming was a huge industry in the Huntley area in the past. Providing feed for cattle and seeds and fertilizer for crops were necessary businesses. Enos Conley and Sons was one of the largest providers in the area in the early 1900s. Situated along the railroad tracks south of Main Street, the company later also … Read more